Jojo hasn't been looking so good lately :( Poor boy had to have surgery recently because his bowels twisted. They sewed his intestines onto his stomach to prevent it from happening again. It seems like that surgery aged him even more. I feel so bad for him and make sure I help him out in any way I can. He's such a stubborn dog, though. For instance, on one side of our deck there aren't stairs going down to the grass because we have a lower deck with a hot tub on it. Well, what side does the old dog always try to go up?! I even blocked it and he tried to shove the blockade over lol. So now I have to watch him when I let him out, because he's a bit beyond the age where he can go up that side, especially after that surgery. I don't want him straining to hard so that something tears.
Well, since we can probably only afford to go to one a year, I have a whole year to make this costume haha! I'm such a nerd. It hasn't even been a month since Nekocon, and I'm already planning another costume.. But anyways, her name is Kai and she's from the video game Heavenly Sword. She's a very petite character and very strange (to the point of being mentally..well, behind where she should be), so I thought this would be a good character for me to try lol. I've collected a TON of reference pictures, and I've only found one superb cosplay of here. The rest, I haven't been very impressed. I think I'm going to use a moleskin suede, leather cord, and metal buttons for her hat. I'm really not sure what kind of fabric to use for her clothing. Is it cotton or something else? I'm going to have to view more videos to see how it moves. What I also love about her costume is that everything looks like she made it, therefore nothing has to be perfect. I think I'm going to have fun with this one...