
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

I've finished a few little projects here and there, but I've actually been busy working for my friend's design company. Unfortunately, my mom is still on the I.R. due to her recent knee surgery, so I'm not sure when we'll be working together again.
(Side note: I'm not sure if I've talked about this at all. My mom tore her ACL, (it's in the knee, google it lol), and had to have surgery to repair it. Pretty major surgery, too. She's still in a lot of pain, and I think the surgery took place either the beginning of this month or end of last month. She's in physical therapy now, also. So, as you can imagine, she won't be working for a while since we hang wallpaper and paint, Tubbs . I don't think she would have a nice time walking up and down a ladder all day..)
Little Sewing Projects

This was kind of a while ago,  and I can't even remember if I posted a picture of the little guy! It's a rice ball wrapped with a piece of seaweed (onigiri). It's pretty small, about the size of your hand, but I also am making a big one out of fleece that I need to finish. I gave this little guy to my friend.

I made this cell phone pouch for my new phone -the HTC Hero! (Can you tell that I love it? haha)
It's pretty much the cutest thing ever, and I received many compliments on FB. Hmm maybe I will set up an Etsy shop.... The tarepanda head is my wallet lol.

Finally Hit the Slopes

Last week we joined my parents at their timeshare in Massanutten. The conditions were pretty good, not too much ice and nice weather. I'm sure Snowshoe has some sweet powder, though. They've been getting hammered. This is my ride, which is actually a Ride board. It's fairly new, a lot longer than my old board, and I felt some drag in the front. I'm sure I'll get used to it, though.

The design is pretty cool, but I'm disappointed in the placement. That cool cat just ripped of the head of a mouse and has the body in its mouth. But the head is placed right beneath the binding! And I had to get a clear stomp pad just so you can see the cat... Ugh like I said, really poor placement guys!