Actually, I feel like every single class I took just skimmed the surface, that's why I'm determined to start studying on my own now (which I should have been doing all along but I'm a slacker). I feel like I don't know all my programs like the back of my hand like I should. I've been using them since high school so to not know everything about them by now is just...sad.
So anyways, my InDesign book has 21 chapters. If I do a chapter a day that's only 21 days to go through the whole thing! Now, the problem right now is time and energy. By the time I get home from work (hanging/stripping wallpaper and/or painting all day) I am just physically and mentally drained. I mean, it's not like I'm just sitting in an office all day or something. We do hard work and we don't take breaks! Soon, though, we're going to be off since my mom is having surgery on her knee. And depending on how long it takes her to recover, we could be out of work for a good while. So this is my goal that I'm setting right now: Go through the entire InDesign book in 21 days, starting the day of my mom's surgery.
Projects In the Making
Ok, so I've come up with a couple different design ideas for the experience and to add to my portfolio:
- Design a sushi restaurant menu, I was thinking of naming it "Crane Style Sushi" lol.
- Design an entire magazine (including "ads" for different businesses, just for the experience). I've been wanting to do this for a long time, I just wasn't sure what to do it on. So I decided to choose something that I'm passionate about, because this is a HUGE undertaking so I figured why not make it fun and something I would be motivated to do. So I chose music, each article featuring a band of my choice in an art style that reflects the music (I'm going to design the article while listening to the band for inspiration).
The first one won't take that long, but that second one is pretty huge. Ugh I also really need to design my business cards...I keep forgetting about that.
Today's Shout-outs:
Dr. Prillaman, the surgeon who yanked out my wisdom teeth, for doing an awesome job. I highly recommend him: Paul E. Prillaman DDS: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Michelle Phan, professional make-up artist & designer, for posting all those amazing how-to's & DIYs! Check it out: Her Old Blog, New Website, & YouTube Channel.